現任Evergreen Church的主任牧師。Evergreen Church是在華盛頓州巴薩爾市的一所多元文化教會。他的異象是通過“啟發課程”晚餐,裝備信徒在日常工作中牧養,以及舉辦當地活動並邀請成千上萬的鄰里,傳揚福音的信息。他和Leslie有兩個兒女和四個外孫。
Lead Pastor of Evergreen Church, a multicultural congregation in Bothell, Washington. His vision is to do evangelism as a team through Alpha dinners, equip believers to pastor where they work in the market place, and to host thousands of neighbors in outreach events that open doors of opportunity. He and Leslie have two kids and four grand kids.